Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lies, Liars, and the Lying

In the weeks to come you are going to here much, and more, about how the Obama Administration's reckless spending is the cause for the nations large national debt.

That is simply not true.  Ezra Klein, was kind enough to dig up this chart (from the folks at CBPP) to show the main drivers of the nations debt over the coming decades.  

This has become a mainstay of the modern Republican Party.  Deny, the consequences of policies
you have advocated if they are negative.  Just reinforcing the old adage, "Conservatism can not fail.  Only you can fail conservatism".   

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Race, the Race, and Summer Storms....

Been away for a while, but with the campaign truly heating up.  These are the things that caught my attention:

First up I am glad Chris Matthews said this to RNC chairman Reince Priebus:

The naked and wanton racial animus that the Republican Party is trucking in, is saddening.   Republicans have suffered no consequences for this.

Now some of this is because talking about racial issues is horrifically difficult.  This piece by Ta-Neshisi Coates, Fear of a Black President, is one of the best pieces I have read on race in sometime.  I would highly recommend reading it if you have not.