Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Washington Post Chat

Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post had a reader chat the other day, that was pretty good. I wish there were was more commentary like this on cable new. I found this portion particularly


NYC Mosque

You are simply misinformed and misguided and blinded by your liberal bias. It was a minority of Germans and Japanese that brought the horrors of WWII to the world. It similarly is a minority of Muslims that have brought 9/11 and soon nuclear horrors to the world. Like the Germans and Japanese ALL Muslims must bear the responsibility and wear this stain on themselves for generations until they have cleansed themselves thru good acts as have the Germans and Japanese. Additionally Obama said this Mosque will prevent another 9/11. Why haven't the exiting 100 Mosques prevented 9/11? This Mosque is a symbol of Muslim domination over America and IT WILL NEVER STAND.
Eugene Robinson writes:

Sigh. first, since the Germans invoked God in committing their atrocities, by your logic we should blame all Christians, no? Second, establishing an open-door community center devoted to interfaith understanding would seem to me to be a "good act." There is no question of "Muslim domination over America." Give me a break. Do you have so little faith in our Constitution and our nation?

– August 24, 2010 11:08 AM

This is just a microcosm, of what the essential arguments being made by the mosques opponents are. All Muslims are to blame for 9/11. That is simple bigotry and religious intolerance.

Should all Christians be tarred with the actions of the IRA, or the actions for murderous anti-abortion activists? I believe the answer to that question is "no". But it seems for far too many of my fellow citizens the resounding answer is "yes".


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