Sunday, September 12, 2010


Posting has been a lot slower of late. Lots of stuff keeping me occupied recently, from Dawn of War II, to bar crawl preparations.

Anyway thought I would toss out a nice Sunday afternoon post on things non-political.

I recently switched from Comcast to At&t U-verse.

I must say I have been impressed with it thus far. First off the receiver is nice and compact, not the clunky contraption that Comcast provided. So it fairly easy to put it near the tee vee with little hassle.

The modem/signal box/wi-fi device that they use to convert the signal from the telephone jack is pretty snazzy as well. It resembles a large cable modem, but has a pretty informative display
to give you feedback on what components are being used.

The actual service is enormously different then what Comcast offers. There are far more bells and whistles in this At&t product. From the layered menus, to the interactive options (updated weather, stocks and scores displayed on screen), to even a built in on screen dual view option.

So all in all I am pretty pleased with my purchase. In general I loathe the bundling cable tee vee does. It is designed to bilk as much from customers as possible. That all being said though, the channel selection seems pretty good. And lets face it, I would be excited about anything that lets me not have to deal with Comcast.

I would highly recommend it, if for no other reason then to give Comcast some serious competition. Maybe then they would lower their prices and improve their customer service.


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