Monday, June 6, 2011

Gone Fishing....

A bit of a long break from blogging recently. Contracted some virulent virus that sidelined me for a few weeks. But everything seems to be on the mend, so back to complaining!

First off a couple posts on the state of the economy:

I am going to avoid the "Weiner-gate" and "Palin's ride with Paul Revere". The truth is I just don't care. The unemployment rate has jumped back up and all the commentariat can talk about is debt. We have human capital being squandered and the only thing Republican's want to talk about (and by extension the media), is how to shrink government.

I would honestly like, just once, for someone to ask the leading Republican officials/contenders how austerity will create jobs or growth in the economy. And if I hear one word about confidence, I will hit them with a fish.


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