Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rush is a Bigot....

First off, some changes to the comment section: I will be moderating the section more heavily. A few to many spambots have been popping up. So time to for a change.

Now on to the rant. So Rush Limbaugh has once again, inserted his corpulent foot in is bulbous mouth.

Evidently the President created the Recession (that started before he was elected), in order to revenge upon America for the inequities that have been heaped upon minorities for the 230 years of the countries existence (though for accuracy, slavery existed in the States well before the Union was formed).

If you wonder why we never seem to be able to accomplish anything in this country, look no further. He makes it clear as day, those who disagree with him inherently have lesser affection for the country, than he. They do not understand it and even work against it, because they want to see it fail. Not that they may disagree on the best course forward for the country. There is only one correct choice for the country and it is the one that he has championed.

This is the opinion maker of the Republican party.


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