Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You think you have had a bad at work....

Imagine being this guy:

I am pretty confident I would have been fired on the spot for my response.

Also I would like to reiterate, if you ever have to make the statement "But I'm not a racist.". Sadly, you probably are.



tyler said...

you can see him hold back the rage by blinking!

RomanX said...

Yeah I would have probably said, " 90 yrs old? Good you will probably be dead soon, that will finally be enough for this colored boy.".

And then I would have been fired.

Also, I did not know I got free drugs and welfare?! Great googley moogley!

Dr. X-Tina said...

Wow, wow, wow; that is pretty amazing that someone would actually say that.

Vicky Vinegar said...

she uses the general "they" quite a bit as well. also, doesn't cspan have employees that screen these calls? i mean, if not, they're just asking for trouble like this...