Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Change those dressings....

It was a bloody night for the democrats last night. No doubt about it. Lots of coverage on the elections. I would recommend staying away from most of it. A lot of it is conjecture and idle speculations will be crap. I would recommend reading this post by Brendan Nyhan:

I'm bracing for an avalanche of nonsense tomorrow night about why Barack Obama is responsible for the expected Republican landslide. Here's a guide to what you should expect.

It's long been obvious that Obama's political standing would decline as a result of the poor economy and the passage of time. Similarly, substantial Democratic losses in the House were always likely given the large number of seats the party had to defend in a midterm election in which it controls the presidency. The continued weakness of the economy subsequently appears to have enhanced the Republican advantage, helping to produce tomorrow's pro-GOP wave.

Instead of focusing on these structural factors, journalists and other political figures have constructed a staggering number of ad hoc claims about messaging, tactics, etc. to "explain" what has happened to Obama and the Democrats:
Also the in fighting shall begin, and we shall hear how much to the left Obama has gone. It really is simple the economy is crap. Nothing else matters. Perhaps on the margins there is some movement here and there. But you can not message past that.

I continue to be amazed how uninformed the electorate actually is. The lack of understanding of basic economics is saddening. If I have to look at Rep. Cantor (R-VA), and listen to spending cuts and tax cuts....well I suspect the next two years will be good times for me blogging.

Keep your head up and start working to make the country better tomorrow.

The White House seriously needs to do a better job of dealing with its base. Insulting them, ignoring them and treating them like naive children will not endear them to that base. Also if the White House believes that the republicans will work with them, they absolutely are mistaken. As I have said in other medium. This was a positive feedback loop for republicans. They will only continue on their path.


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