Sunday, November 28, 2010

Off the beaten path...

A little break from politics today. I found this blog post about "sex with Aspergers", incredibly compelling.

It was an interesting perspective, that honestly, I had never thought about. I have know several people that fall ,at various points, on the scale but I never once thought about how frustrating/difficult it must all be.

Almost instinctively, for most of us, we have and understand that their is a game that must be played in the pursuit of sex. Not once do we even question it. It simply is the way it is. Whether we are proficient or not, we know the rules.

So what would it be like with out that sort of knowledge? Other than in some sort of anthropological sense, it would be terrorizing. That all being said, I giggled like a little school boy when I read this little passage:

We dated. To get rid of him, I told him I was a lesbian and I only wanted to date him if there could be another woman there, too. That didn’t just make him pursue me with more fervor. It made the whole trading floor pursue me. And I had no idea why.

Notice how there’s one theme here: I have no idea how other people think about sex.

At least in this regard Mrs. Trunk is not alone. I honestly have no idea what other people think about sex. You just kind of hope that your sexual habits do not scare off whoever you are trying to bed.

Interestingly enough I find that oddly comforting.


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