Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A better world....

From XKCD and here is the wiki page.

What a better place this would be, if when someone told a blatant falsehood there was some
mechanism to hold them accountable and shame them into not being a dumb ass....



Bradley said...

Since falsehoods are sometimes a matter of opinion, e.g. Obama is a good president, this might be a problem. Do you really want to live in a world filled with shame???

RomanX said...

Well, I am not talking things as subjective as job performance. Things like intimating that the President is not a natural born citizen or that G.W Bush knew about 9/11 in advance. These are "opinions", but demonstrably false. Or when someone argues that the Civil War was about taxes and tariffs. That is simply a willful misreading of the history.