Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Economics for dummies....

Over the next few days you will be treated to all sorts of Republican officials stating that all of our problems are a result of the massive over spending of the Obama administration. They are lying.

Also you will hear that the solution to our woes are more tax cuts and cutting spending. This is just pure fantasy. So much so, I am gonna start smacking people who indulge in this crap with this chart when they do!

So yeah, hello 112th Congress. The current administrations contribution to the debt problems is fairly
small in comparison.



Bradley said...

This is just plain scary. I wonder what would happen if my checkbook looked like this chart? I'm sure it would involve jail time.

RomanX said...

Yeah this is one of those provable things. The aughts were a pretty bad period of the economy, yet I have met and talked with people who will just absolutely ignore this information in addition to the stagnant wages, increase in poverty, and general decrease in health insurance coverage.

The Bush economic policies were not a roaring success.