Friday, August 19, 2011

If you repeat it, it makes it true.....

I have a problem with the modern version of the Republican party it can be summarized with this clip of Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) talking about funding abstinence education in Texas and its consistent dismal record on teen pregnancy.

The repetition, and the lack of an demonstrable facts to support his assertions. This is a prime function of movement Conservative thought. Steve Benen adds this point:
In a case like education and lessons on sexual health, the left tends to look at this in terms of results: what works in preventing teen pregnancies and the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases? For the right, the question is philosophical: what’s consistent with their morality.
I will go further, then that. It is a feature, not a bug, of this day and age to disregard relevant statistical data in favor of ideology. If it does not comport with your philosophy it is simply not true.

The burns....


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