Monday, August 8, 2011

Those evil unions....

I have been off my game for the last couple of months. I blame Facebook and the arguments I have there diluting my desire to post long form entries. Be that as it may, this is an issue I have taken up a few times. The subject being the importance of unions in our economy.
I have often said that unions perform a vital role in our society. Whether you are in one or not, as a worker, they are the may body that works for workers' interest. That should not be underestimated. Of course business does not like them, the very goal of unions is to provide workers with leverage they do not have. As is the case in most things, individuals have very little negotiating strength.

I would like to say something positive here, but unions have been successfully demonized. They lazy union worker is as much a part of the collective psyche as the greedy banker, or the sleazy lawyer. Whether that is the case or not.

In a system where increasingly, power and focus are aligned with the most moneyed interests in society some sort of corrective is necessary.


1 comment:

Bradley said...

As usual, you are correct sir. I blame the media for this demonization of unions. All the average citizen hears is what the media tells them, e.g., the NBA is unlikely to have a season because the millionaire players are unwilling to negotiate with the owners who are "losing millions of dollars every season." And stories like these are linked to other strikes by union employees in every known working field and characterized as hurting the economy. It really is sickening. Just once I'd like to hear a story on the news about how some teachers banded together to get some more money. I know they "only" work 9 months of the year but they get paid like they are part-time employees.