Friday, September 30, 2011
What this party needs is more graphs....
Yes I know that people who make 250k+ are not "rich", but lets not kid ourselves, they are not middle class either.
I have seen the middle and 250k is not it. This is not about class warfare, but an actual accounting of where individuals stand on the income scale.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Time for a change....
So we shall see how it goes, and other then the impenetrable prose, let me know if the contrast makes it harder to read.
Monday, September 26, 2011
A good place to start....
When talking about the diagnosis about what ails our economy it would be good if we could actually agree on the causes. Mike Konzcal does a good round up of the "competing" philosophies being litigated today, in Venn Diagram form! So you know I had to post it!
The Keynesian view
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The King I know....
I understand the need retroactively claim a hero. But let us not forget while King was alive, he was hated and unpopular to large swaths of the public.
So it is important to remember what Dr. King and his contemporaries actually did for the African American community. Not the country at large, but specifically African Americans. I personally do not have the words to describe it, nor did I live it. But my parents did, and my grand parents as well. I remember the "stories" and the "lessons", about how to act. The pervasive sense of fear that existed in this country for a segment of the population.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Word of the day! go with impatient or impetuous, exaggerated movements: The star flounced out of the studio in a rage.2. to throw the body about spasmodically; flounder.
Your modern Republican Party....
This piece over at Truth Out by, recently retired, longtime republican staffer Mike Lofgren is jarring.
It is a long piece, but it very much deserves a read. Republicans the lunatics are running the asylum! I actively support a coherent Republican party. Even if I disagree with them, they form a necessary corrective. What we have today is not that. These are individuals who do not accept even the basic premise of government. They believe in some mythical past, devoid of wrongs and injustice. They ignore or vilify anyone who disagrees with them.The debt ceiling extension is not the only example of this sort of political terrorism. Republicans were willing to lay off 4,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, 70,000 private construction workers and let FAA safety inspectors work without pay, in fact, forcing them to pay for their own work-related travel - how prudent is that? - in order to strong arm some union-busting provisions into the FAA reauthorization.
Everyone knows that in a hostage situation, the reckless and amoral actor has the negotiating upper hand over the cautious and responsible actor because the latter is actually concerned about the life of the hostage, while the former does not care. This fact, which ought to be obvious, has nevertheless caused confusion among the professional pundit class, which is mostly still stuck in the Bob Dole era in terms of its orientation. For instance, Ezra Klein wrote of his puzzlement over the fact that while House Republicans essentially won the debt ceiling fight, enough of them were sufficiently dissatisfied that they might still scuttle the deal. Of course they might - the attitude of many freshman Republicans to national default was "bring it on!"
That is no recipe for a functional democracy.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Austerity Now!
Here is a rundown of "teh librurl coverage":
- Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly:
Whether the GOP wants to admit it or not, the economy is advancing exactly as they want it to. The private sector is being left to its own devices; the public sector is shedding jobs quickly and scrapping investments; and the only permitted topic of conversation is about debt-reduction.
- Ezra Klein of the Washington Post:
Though the trends might be better than they were in early-2009, the labor market is in much worse shape, and it's clear that more action, and perhaps even big action, is desperately needed. I do not, however, expect that to be the actual response to this news.
- Bill Gross of PIMCO over at Bloomberg is soundingly some wild-eyed hippie.
I would just like to echo what Benen has said. This is exactly what the policies advocated by conservatives yields. I am not saying they sit around trying to screw the economy (though it is hard not to speculate how they might be acting if they controlled the White House and one other branch i.e "in control of government"), but the policies the champion have this effect in a recession. They have told us time and time again, that shrinking government, cutting taxes, and deregulation would spur job creation.
Well not to get into a post hoc fallacy mess, but here are two graphs which show jobs creation since the Obama administration began (via Steve Benen).
Democratic control of Congress
Republican control of the House
Again I know, causation and correlation and all that. But is anyone really going to make the argument that we haven't been essentially following the Republican plan over the last 6-8 months? Basically less government spending and leaving the private sector to its own devices?
This is what austerity gets you in the midst of a severe financial contraction. I wait with baited breath to see the bipartisan rush to ameliorate this. Basic macroeconomics spells out clearly what you do in this situation.....
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Word of the day!
Your word for the day is: parergon
[pa-rur-gon] Show IPA- 1.something that is an accessory to a main work or subject; embellishment.
- undertaken in addition to one's principal work.
Best hospitals in the world?
be doing much more to bring down costs.
So that brings us to the chart of the day (via the Dish): How Hospitals Harm Us