Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oh it is freaking on.....

Michael Savage is complete and utter douche bag.

Savage declares: "The white Christian heterosexual married male is the epitome of everything right with America"

Also he does not seem to be able to read the cross tabs on polls either. I am not even sure where to start now. It is like these people are not even trying to hide their bigotry anymore.


AndyS said...

Surely he's referring to James von Brunn, the white christian heterosexual married man who embodies the greatness of America. He loves apple pie, baseball, neo-nazi-ism, child pornography, and storming holocaust museums and shooting innocent people.
Go USA !

RomanX said...

As I said, it isn't like they (and he specifically) are even trying now.

The type of vitriol that is being spewed on talk radio, is simply reprehensible. I am always surprised by the way that these individuals quickly fall to the role of victim with out a moments hesitation.

Noble beings beset by mongrel hordes, bent on their destruction.