Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Levels....

I know this will sound naive, but it just dawned on me, that in mass the base of the Republican party only believes in the Constitution and government when they are in charge. But more importantly, they firmly believe there political opponents are evil.

If you have a different opinion from them, you are a traitor, socialist, Hitler loving Marxist. This is arguably, the most depressing thought I have had in a while. There is a significant portion of the population, that believes, firmly and completely, that I am not a "true" American because I do not agree with them. They are completely and incorruptibly right and virtuous. While my views are not only wrong, but evil.

I was blissfully unaware of this. Now I know and now I shall act accordingly. If you want to believe "birther", "tenther", "young earth" crap, you have officially been given notice, that my assault on your fallacious beliefs will be directly proportional to the fervor with which you believe them.

So if someone is foolish enough to ask me why I think Sarah Palin is a horrible for this country. I will simply tell them that she is a buffoon. She has shown, not one ounce of deep knowledge on any subject and yet you celebrate her for that. She is a being of pure ambition and limited logic. So yeah, I think she and those who support her are incapable of being good stewards of my or my children's future.

I am completely okay with the notion of disagreeing with someone on issues. But they must at least have an opinion that they can clearly articulate. If they can not. If they just mouth and regurgitate sound bites, then I have no time for them.

What the world needs now is thinkers and innovators, not demagogues.


-----Edit Jon Stewart beats me to the punch.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pssh... the math is quite simple, ever for a liberal such as yourself:

Conservatives hate change.

Obama *is* change.

Therefore, by the transitive property of equality...