Friday, April 2, 2010

Lying Women?!?

This is an interesting read and actually makes a whole lot of sense.

With the changes over the last several decades in social opportunities, this shouldn't be surprising. I guess the socialization has its blind spots. I would not have guessed that the numbers were so close.

In particular I found this section compelling:

The truth is that we have always lied about our sex lives. British men consistently claim to have had more partners than women - the current average is 13, while women claim to have had only nine.

Plainly, someone is lying here. While men might exaggerate their sexual conquests, the bigger liars are women.

When studies about sexual partners or fidelity use a mixture of face-to-face interviews and anonymous computer questionnaires, men will give the same answers to both, but women will report much higher numbers when the answers are anonymous.

Capt. Obvious alert>>> I guess women are just better liars them men.

In case you are wondering why I was perusing this article it all started with this post from Matt Yglesias. I tend to agree with Mr. Yglesias. The reason we don't see more female politician sex scandals, is because we a very small pool of female politicians.

There are differences between men and women, don't get me wrong, but politicians tend to be unified in a couple traits that are ripe for sex scandals. Huge massive egos, and Guido levels of narcissism.


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