Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I say this a lot....

People are dumb....

Gallup's new poll shows that Republican rhetoric worked pretty well. Their message discipline convinced a large swath of the public, that activities, they themselves had used only a few years prior were unprecedented and dangerous.

A striking Gallup finding in the immediate aftermath of the healthcare vote was that by 41% to 29%, Republicans were more likely to say they were "angry" about the outcome than Democrats were to say they were "enthusiastic."

One reason for Republicans' anger may be revealed in a new question asking whether Americans believe the methods Democratic leaders used to secure passage of the bill represented "an abuse of power" or "an appropriate use" of the majority party's power in Congress. Nearly 9 in 10 Republicans see it as abuse of power, whereas a smaller majority of Democrats (70%) call it an appropriate use of power. The majority of independents agree with most Republicans on this question.

I understand not agreeing with a policy. But honestly legislative outcomes you do not like are not abuses of power. If rules were broken, then you might have a case for it. But they weren't. The tendency to view things that one does not like as "abuses" is quite infuriating.

An abuse of power is something like torture, or maybe forced conscription, or even martial law. Using the rules of the governing body is not that.



Unknown said...

Pssht! When *you* torture people, you're being an evil usurper of human rights and dignity...

When *I* do it, i'm protecting American Freedom and Democracy...

Back to Civics class for you, my friend.

RomanX said...
