Monday, October 6, 2008

Back in the Saddle....

Back from Ed and Kelly's wedding this past weekend. Boy am I exhausted. But I will offer a quick round up before I dive head long back into politics this week.

It was loads of fun, the bride looked lovely as did the bridesmaids. Not to be out done, all the groomsman looked rather dapper as well. Also the families were exceptionally nice. Jack Mullin (father of the bride) was more then happy to marginally intoxicated butt around.

On that note thanks to Mike for making sure I got home in one piece, a special shout out to Bill and Scot for keeping me entertained...though that "bet" was wildly inappropriate....for the record if you had put that cash up for the golf course option, I would have taken you fools' money! Woody and Julia also were keeping it real as well. I have to give it up for the newly minted Woodards, they can cut a mean rug. I was quite impressed with Mrs. Woodard's "get low" skillz. In closing Mike did a bang up job at announcing, he kept the party rolling and then jumped out on the dance floor to bust a move all over the place. There was inappropriate dancing with the bride and groom, even a bit of octogenarian dancing action!

All in all a good time was had by all.

And to end things on a high note a comic for you all.


Teach said...

It's not too often I come across the word octogenarian. Ironically, it happened twice today--once in the book my class was reading and now this. The kids thought it was an octopus eater. I hope there weren't any of those on the dance floor with the old folks!

RomanX said...

Well there were some strange ladies there...they may have been octopus eaters!