Thursday, October 9, 2008

Down the rabbit hole....

You know, I generally am more then willing to cut people some slack. But after doing some calling banks and some voter registration drives for the Obama campaign, I am far less inclined.

Actually I will just post the videos. I have been called worse, but the ignorance on display here is shocking.

So when you are wondering why it is that I am in a "mood", this is why. This is the sort of ignorance that makes me sad for our country. These are the sorts of myopic, know-nothings, that are allowed have an impact on my life, and that (to co-opt a phrase) my friends, makes me very angry.

My parents raised me to look at peoples deeds and words, not where they were born or the hue of their skin. How they comported themselves was of greater import then whether they venerate Muhammad, Jesus, Vishnu or even if they wish to fight the machinations of Xenu. Or as Mama Roman would say, "Don't start nuthin'. Won't be nuthin'. ". There is nothing in the above statements that resembles a coherent thought, no differences on policy, just naked xenophobia.

Simply because you choose to affiliate yourself with one political entity or another does not make the opposition evil. Hell it doesn't even make them misguided, it just means they think differently then you. However in the case of the videos above, I hesitate to call what they are doing "thinking".

On last caveat, on the nature of the opposition being evil. If the best you can summon to oppose an argument is that, that person or persons should die, or are communists, or socialist faggots (the mind simply boggles at that one), or that somehow ACORN is responsible for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's failure let alone the CRA, then you sir/madame are an idiot. It makes you look bad, and those evil malicious protesters who are peaceably holding signs and chanting non-violent or insulting slogans are not the evil ones in this dynamic. You are with your rush towards ignorance.

But if there is the upside to all this, too all my Caucasian friends I hope you now know how it feels for me when they interview that "brotha", on the evening news at the crime scene/tornado/hurricane, who is missing teeth, rocking a wife beater oh hell....lets just go to the video shall we...


1 comment:

Brad said...

Wow people are stupid. That's all I can say.