Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ants at Obama's Picnic...

The amount of disdain that the Obama Administration and establishment Democrats have shown their progressive base is definitely reaching a boiling point.

I understand that it is important in our society to stick it to those "dirty hippies" as often as possible, but be careful. Digby sums it up well,

But on a political level, the left has been betrayed over and over again on the things that matter to us the most. The village is pleased, I'm sure. But the Democratic party only needs to look back eight short years to see just how destructive it is to constantly tell their left flank to go fuck themselves.
And as always Glenn Greenwald, channels perfectly my personal rage.



Bradley said...

That's a very funny quote. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.

RomanX said...

I thought it was an appropriate comment. It is quite common in fact to single out those of the left as being the same as those on the right. But that simply is not the case. They are not analogous, at least in this incident. The contrariness crap that we see is not helpful. You bring a gun to a public debate and you are not expressing your 2nd amendment rights you are trying to stifle conversation.