Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Omnibus

Sort of a catch all for the weekend.

Hung out with some friends, celebrated a birthday, went to a themed party as well as to a 'house warming' party. The theme was rock stars, and a friend went as Lady Gaga. She looked good too! Though less 'mannish' looking. The only things missing from her costume were 1) pyrotechnics and 2) a penis.

Got to see some movies this weekend, District 9 and Inglorious Basterds. They were both quite enjoyable.

It seems my arm is finally healing.

But that aside, now for the complaining.

Periodically I have commented on the perfidy of the MSM (mainstream media). Mainly their complicity in the ongoing horror that is governance and policy debates in this country. This is yet another one of those days where I feel the need to point those situations out more.

There were a couple of dust ups over the weekend between:

Joe Klein vs. Glenn Greenwald vs Chuck Todd vs Jeremy Scahill

I would recommend reading them, with accompanying links. It is informative for both the lack of accountability our journalist seem to feel, and how they react to criticism. Mind you while I have been highly critical of of Joe Klein in the past his sourcing does tend to be good and as for Chuck, well....I am a bit of a fan. But on this Greenwald and Scahill have him dead to rights.

Whether it would be a political mess or not, somethings are worth prosecuting. We are either a nation of laws or a nation of men. That is the issue. It will be messy at times, but that is the price we pay.


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