Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Son of Health Care Debate...

I was really wanting to post some articles by conservative writers on the subject of health care reform, and I will. It is just taking longer to find some non-hyperbolic ones then I thought it would. The thought provoking ones I have come across have mainly been by Andrew Sullivan (Atlantic Monthly), David Frum (New Majority), Daniel Larison (American Conservative). So I will do my best to get those views up in the next day or so.

But that aside, I want to give a solid golf clap to ABC news for running a solid "Fact-Check" on some of the health care myths being thrown about. I have to agree with Steve Benen, this is not the standard "he said/she said" nonsense. Ms. Snow stopped just short of calling Mrs. Palin a liar, but she was still very forceful in her calling her claims unfounded.

This is the sort of thing we need more of not less. Regardless of which side is in power if one side is willfully misinforming the public they should be called to task for it.

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