Thursday, October 22, 2009

Douche-Bag of the Day

Whew...I do not know where to start. So many candidates for this honor this week!

There is Keith Bardwell, the Louisiana justice of the peace who refused to marry an interracial couple.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La), who has refused to comment on the topic.

Glenn Beck for being, well Glenn Beck.

Pat Buchanan for being.....Pat Buchanan.

But I think instead I will give it to the Insurance Industry as a whole. With stories like this. I wonder time and time again why we even allow them to exist and just points out why we desperately need reform.

Christina Turner feared that she might have been sexually assaulted after two men slipped her a knockout drug. She thought she was taking proper precautions when her doctor prescribed a month's worth of anti-AIDS medicine.

Only later did she learn that she had made herself all but uninsurable.

Turner had let the men buy her drinks at a bar in Fort Lauderdale. The next thing she knew, she said, she was lying on a roadside with cuts and bruises that indicated she had been raped. She never developed an HIV infection. But months later, when she lost her health insurance and sought new coverage, she ran into a problem.

Turner, 45, who used to be a health insurance underwriter herself, said the insurance companies examined her health records. Even after she explained the assault, the insurers would not sell her a policy because the HIV medication raised too many health questions. They told her they might reconsider in three or more years if she could prove that she was still AIDS-free.

Because survivors of rape and sexual assault really need more to worry about.

Real classy guys.


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