Friday, October 23, 2009

Word of the Day

Today's word is brought to you Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post and the guys/gals over at Ballon Juice who have who for different reasons (Ms. Marcus' lack of perspective and BJ for pointing it out to me!) started me down a path of inchoate rage.

So two things first, when it was pointed out to her that there were acutal substantitive differences in what Fox news does and say, MSNBC, she pretty much dismisses. Though it goes right to her premise, she can not admit that it possibly undermines her argument.

Secondly the comparisons between Nixon and Obama are just silly. Pity upon thee with short memories. As Glenn Greenwald basically concludes that the Obama administrations response is sane, in regards to Fox News and no where near the sort of vindictive operation the Bush administration operated under against the media at large. Now when I see Obama using the FBI, IRS or the FCC to punish/spy on journalist/networks then you will have a comparison to make. Otherwise they are just exercising those same First Amendment Rights that supposedly
Fox is being denied.

Oh well, I guess my attempt to not get riled up failed. So here is your damn word.


1. a medicine that relieves or allays pain.
2. anything that relieves distress or pain: The music was an anodyne to his grief.
3. relieving pain.
4. soothing to the mind or feelings.

Hopefully Vodkatastrophe will be an anodyne to the stupid news coverage!


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