Monday, January 4, 2010

The Government ain't your daddy!

Let me be clear on this, not to be callous, there is going to be another terrorist attack on the United States.

That is a fact. We can prevent many, if not most. But we will eventually fail. It will not be anyone's "fault", more then likely. It will happen, because as long as we insist on a free and open society someone who is willing to die in the name of political ideology will have an advantage and incentive to kill innocent citizens.

Glenn Greenwald has the perfect distillation of the world that we live in. I highly recommend reading it. I wish someone would say this on national teevee:
Reducing the citizenry to a frightened puddle of passivity, hysteria and a child-like expectation of Absolute Safety is irrevocable and far more consequential than any specific new laws. Fear is always the enabling force of authoritarianism: the desire to vest unlimited power in political authority in exchange for promises of protection.

Yeah. That about sums it up.



Unknown said...

"In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society."

Hey... That sounds reasonable... Who doesn't want safety and security ?

RomanX said...

I seem to recall the Patriot Act passing to thunderous applause.