Friday, January 15, 2010


Trying to blog a little less to help stave off an ulcer.

Anyway there is has been a lot going on. First and foremost if you have the time and means, please consider visiting here and donating a little.

Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh are trying to out douche each other. Seriously what does it take for these people not to have a public voice? They are simply purveyors of hate, bigotry and intolerance. If you do not follow their path you are evil. They are sick disturbed people. And those who support them are just as culpable.

Also am I the only one that is absolutely amazed that the possible loss of one Senate seat imperils the entire democratic agenda?

Our political system only functions if both parties decide they are interested in governing. Republicans are not. They are interested in returning to "power". That is all.

I understand people are depressed. I understand that the economy still looks shaky. I guess I expected people to understand the challenges that we faced and that at least one of the parties, whether you agree with them or not, was trying to tackle them.

But I guess if I use the "undie-bomber" reaction as a barometer then I was absolutely wrong (Granted polling says otherwise, but then elections are more about emotion and less about sense).

I know nobody likes taxes, but if I hear one person say we need to cut taxes, I may slap them. Without a hint of irony I can say we as a society pay lower marginal rates then at any point since income tax was instituted in this country. Most of the people who complain about this have no idea what they are talking about it. Or worse are just cynically exploiting the public's ignorance.

Good schools with good teachers cost money. Those roads you drive require maintenance. When your house is burning you would rather that you didn't have to worry about whether you had paid your fire department fee (Fire departments used to be privately owned, and fights would break out between competing teams while the houses would burn to the ground).

Anyway, we have system that when we need it most has been rendered impotent. Government is not the enemy. Republicans do a real disservice to the country and the fabric of the republic. Simply there never really seem to be any consequences for republican bad behavior. They race baited most of the latter 20th century, crippled the regulatory structure of the country and initiated one of the most massive foreign policy failures in our history. And they are still taken seriously?

No ideas, no solutions to our problems, and only the panacea of tax cuts and spending cuts to fix the economy (now the defense budget, veterans care, Medicaid, Medicare and the like are immune). Fucking idiots.


-edit (some errors corrected)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Someone made the mistake of asking me what I thought of Limbaugh. I thought a moment, and said,

"A demagogue in the most classic sense, but without the looks, charm, and oratorical skills usually associated with them."