Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Special Election Day....

Today is the day of reckoning in Massachusetts.

The thing that I find most disappointing is that if Martha Coakley loses, Health Care may be done.

Not because it was defeated in the legislature. But because a lone venerable Senator developed brain cancer, and passed away this past year.

Even worse, that even if you are given the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. That is not enough to enact an agenda. A thin minority in the Senate,
can thwart the will of people.

A 60 vote super-majority is not how the legislature is supposed to work. The filibuster was meant to ensure debate, not stifle it. And the press is majorly culpable in this belief that 60 votes is mandatory to enact legislation.

Going forward, this is even more destructive then most are aware of. One party has shown its true colors. It is only concerned with regaining power, not with governance. There is no percentage in implementing good policy. The public does not reward it. It has been proven to me conclusively that it is easier run on hate and what you don't like then to run on what you support. So we shall see more of this, not less. The Republicans will become even more obstinate this year, and the democratic agenda will fail because of that. Then the public will reward the very people who placed us as a country in this mess, with a return to power.

Being angry is not a solution. Saying no is not policy. Tax cuts and discretionary spending cuts are not the solution to every problem.

Yeah, so I am a bit disappointed in the electorate of Massachusetts. All I would say is remember Sen. Joe Lieberman. Look at what the individuals are actually saying and what they have actually done.

Martha Coakley is a machine politician, that is absolutely true. But at least she has a record and can articulate coherent policy issues.

Brown is nothing more then a political chameleon that once he arrives in Washington will fall lock-step in with the Republican caucus.

And because of that health care may die for another 15-20 years. Showing that we as a people can not handle the immense structural problems in our country, unless of course it involves a tax cut or bombing brown people.



Conservative Minority said...

Will of the people? The will of the people is NO government run health care. And the liberals, with all the promises of transparency and the like have closed the doors and are relying on backroom deals and arm twisting to do what Obama wills.

The WILL OF THE PEOPLE is being seen right now. In the donation support and voting in of Scott Brown.

RomanX said...

Please. And where were these pleas to the "Will of the People" when the country was united against the war in Iraq? Or the polling that Americans support Health Care Reform, just perhaps not this one. Or at the very least the easy sound bites demonizing it.

As far as transparency goes, this administration has done a better job then the previous one on that front. Perfect? No. But way better. And personally negotiations are hard. Politicians preening for the cameras only makes it harder.