Sunday, January 31, 2010

Truly riveting political teevee....

Friday is generally the dump day for news, however this is some of the most compelling political debate we have seen in some time. I am actually amazed at how this was covered.

Marc Ambinder at the Atlantic probably encapsulates it best in this post:
Accepting the invitation to speak at the House GOP retreat may turn out to be the smartest decision the White House has made in months. Debating a law professor is kind of foolish: the Republican House Caucus has managed to turn Obama's weakness -- his penchant for nuance -- into a strength. Plenty of Republicans asked good and probing questions, but Mike Pence, among others, found their arguments simply demolished by the president. (By the way: can we stop with the Obama needs a teleprompter jokes?)
Here is the video of the actual back and forth.

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I know I am political junkie, but really the public could benefit from more of this, not less. At least in this instance is shows the shallowness of the republican caucus and the command of the issues that the president has.


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