I weep for the Republic
I know that I am not the average citizen. I pay a fair amount of attention to civics and policy disputes, so I understand that I may have a deeper affinity for politics then most. I was going to write some stuff about the Presidents first State of the Union Address (I thought it was a very good speech, but I need to see some results, some actual iron in his spine, something for his extremely disheartened base, because as much as it is in vogue to say Presidents need to pick fights with their base, there hasn't been a whole lot to cheer about up to this point) but I came across this poll that that absolutely made my jaw drop.
Basically what this says to me, is that there are no consequences for being obstructionist. The Republican (and it will become the democratic mindset when they are in the minority) mindset is simply complete obstruction will not have any downside for us. People really only have two options if we cause the majority to fail, then by default they will pick us.
It turns out that is a good plan. People seem to be too ignorant of the actual issues, policies and statements of elected officials. Combined with the media's absolute abdication of its role as an adversary to the status quo.
We have weak representatives, a disengaged executive, a nihilistic minority, and an ignorant populace.
We are so screwed.
I have never understood obstructionism for it's own sake. It seems to my (possibly naieve) mind that if you were in the minority, you would generally *want* to go along with the majority.
If the majority fails, the only figers that get pointed are not at you. You get an advantage in the next election.
If the majority succeeds, you get to take partial credit and be the noble soul who took the high road for America's benefit... *Giving you a potential advantage in the next election*...
Clearly I know nothing about modern politics...
Well it predicated on the public paying attention and know how the system works. As the poll notes most people just do not know how legislation is crafted.
In our system (two party), if the majority fails, the minority reaps the benefits. It is really that simple. Once the opposition becomes aware that they gain from stalling/obstructing the majorities agenda, there is no going back. Because there is no percentage for supporting the majority.
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