Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blogging blackout...

I'm sure some of you have been wondering, with Health Care Reform teetering on the cusp of passage (or failure), that I would have loads of thing to say.

Well I do, but seeing as every time I launch into epic rants about HCR, the political fortunes of it seem to swoon. So as a different tact, I will just post some small items here.

Conflicting points of view Ezra Klein and Glenn Greewald explore different rationales for the HCR debate.

I have gone back and forth on whether to support the health care plan or not. But this video has to be one of the man reasons why I do.

There has been a lot of uninformed "debate" on this topic. But this is just naked and repulsive self-absorption. The sheer lack of decency these people show to someone who is obviously infirmed is jarring.

After watching it, I was left with one feeling. I did not want to live in a world like the one they must. If passing an imperfect bill mitigates the suffering of some of our fellow citizens then that makes this country a little better, and this world a little better. On something this large and this important to the national character I have not choice but to support the reform legislation currently on the hill. It is better then what we have now. Not what I want, but better then the status quo. Letting these people "win", is the worst thing we could ever do for our country.

I will fight the good fight on torture, civil liberties or educational reform, but on this matter the choice is a very simple. It is either this bill or nothing. That is it. When you are arguing against this bill, you are arguing for a continuation of the system we currently have. It really is that simple.

That is the choice we have left. Do something to ameliorate the current situation or do nothing for another 15-20 years.


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