Friday, March 26, 2010

Double Feature: History and Douche-bagurey!

Okay now the debate over the last year, that has consumed so much energy is well and truly over.

With a vote of 220-207 the series of fixes passed by both the House and Senate, then finally the House again (small changes made due to verbiage, that the parliamentarian deemed non-germane).

This is historic stuff. Even though this bill was not perfect. Even though the process was ugly, messy, and unpopular. While I will maintain that progressives/liberals did not really get much out of this process. This bill is not a liberal one. But in one regard it is. It is a step towards a more just and humane society. Universal health care is a long time goal of the Democratic part. They have at least made the effort and put for the foundations of that system.

So when history looks back on this age, it will see two presidents trying to fulfill the goals of their ideological bases. Bush passed tax cuts, and Obama has insured 95% of Americans.

That is no mean feat.

Also I might add the Obama administration revamped the college loan system. In another time that would have been a huge accomplishment. Today it is just par for the course.


Now on to Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) House minority leader. When speaking to a collection of bankers, made this comment:
“Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves,” Boehner said. “All of us are hearing from our friends and constituents on lack of credit, you can’t get a loan, the more your government takes and taxes, the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers.”
Now this may be petty of me, but those "little punk staffers" are responsible for laws getting written and for lawmakers to be able to understand the laws that have been written. Some are well paid, some are not. But they are a valuable and should not be insulted by ignorant demagogues such as Rep. Boehner. He wouldn't be able to do his job, much as he does, if they didn't do theirs.

So John you get to be the Douche Bag of the week.


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