Sunday, March 21, 2010

History in the making....

Well today, like it or not, things will be resolved. The House of Representatives is set to vote on the Health Care Reform package, congress has been debating for the last year.

We have reached the endgame here folks. Not the end mind you. This will begin the arduous process of transforming our broken health care system. There will be additional fixes and changes to bolster this crippled system.

So in the often over and mis-quoted, "
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

The democrats could still mess this up. Dooming their forecasts for several election cycles. People will accept mendacity and outright prevarication, but a lack of leadership is hard to forgive. Especially when you have asked to lead.

I could go over all the things that have been done wrong in this process, the lack of a public option, taking single payer off the table so early, preservation of the private insurance model, or giving any credence to republican cooperation, but that does not have any bearing now. For good or for ill, we only only have this bill in front of us. We can not compare it to some sort of platonic ideal form.

So here it is Democrats, this is your chance to show your mettle. But I will let the President take it from here.

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