Monday, March 22, 2010

Republicans going America all over your ass.....

Blatantly stolen from "It's always Sunny in Philadelphia", but I think it is appropriate. If you haven't seen the episode, it basically stems from Charlie deciding that he needs to show people what America is really about. Basically this boils down to a lot of screaming platitudes at people and vomiting.

If you actually watched the proceedings last night, you could fairly describe the republican behavior similarly. Lot's of screaming of platitudes with out much substance and a whole mess of histrionics.

It was fairly despicable, to be completely honest. But when it all comes down to it the bill passed and the fixes passed as well. Ezra Klein does a good round up of what this means here.

In closing I do not much like Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), but he doesn't deserve to be called a "baby-killer". I will support his primary challenger, because I don't agree with his politics, but I will not attack his principles. I think he was tragically wrong in his reading of the bill and on his stance on reproductive rights. But I will not disparage that he may be standing on principle.

Anyway, now we make it better. Hopefully we have taking our first step into a slightly better and fairer world.


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