Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our craven leaders.....

I will have some more on this later, but this blog post by Glenn Greenwald captures a feeling I have had for a long time:
There are few viewpoints, if there are any, which trigger more fervent agreement across the political and media establishment than the view that George Bush, Dick Cheney and other top officials should not be criminally investigated, let alone prosecuted, for the various laws they have broken over the last eight years. Conversely, in the Beltway world, few things will render you "Unserious" as quickly and irrevocably as arguing that Bush officials should be held accountable under the rule of law for their multiple violations of criminal statutes.

Mr. Greenwald's post is about the unfortunate case of Thomas Tamm. This man has sacrificed all to bring to light illegal actions of our government. None of those government functionaries are being prosecuted yet this man is. There is no question that laws were broken. People quibble over whether the executive can ignore those edicts, but the idea that there were not laws that governed these activities is not in question.


On a separate topic, if I hear that Roland Burris is an "honorable man" or "utmost integrity", I am going to scream. There may have been a time when that was true, but now, he as sold his soul for his 30 pieces of silver. His thin ambitions, glory seeking narcissism, coupled with the absolutely disgusting obliviousness to the facts of this appointment are revolting. What he has done is effectively lost my vote. I will not vote for this man ever. A person of integrity would have turned down this appointment, and asked for the governors resignation. For the sake of the state and its people. No, instead what we have is some one who is more interested in chiseling in a new "achievement" on his absolutely fabulous monument to himself. So yeah, you could count me as, not a supporter of Senator Roland Burris.

Also Harry Reid should no longer be the Senate Majority leader, his tenure has been abysmal. It is a history of capitulation and empty gestures. He would bar, Burris, but wouldn't discipline Joe Lieberman? The FISA debacle, investigations in to the telecommunications bill, this man has failed in ever conceivable fashion as leader of the Senate.

1 comment:

Eclectic Bride-Wife-Mom said...

I just tagged you in a meme (my first!) no obligation, just check my blog for details