Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Plug one..plug two...

I am still working up some serious dudgeon over the whole Thomas Tamm issue. I got a bit side tracked from my increasing rancor, by Mr. Roland Burris and the Senate Democratic caucus . So I am currently stoking the flames of a couple of different polemic screeds......

But that is neither here nor there.

This is more a post to pub a new blog y'all should check out:

True Stories of My Life?

I give props for the relatively inventive notion behind the blog. So check it out and guess what is what. Also it is entertaining and way better written then this crappy blog!

Also there is this entertaining post on what is and is not a word of at Ta-Nehisi Coates blog.

Of course it's a word, the question is, is it acceptable. There are a lot of things that are acceptable in some situations, and not acceptable in others. "Table" is generally acceptable, but "ass" or "fuck" might not be, In some cases they would. It's the same for "hopefully" or "irregardless." They're all words, but it behooves us to be serious and ask, is it acceptable in this context? If you're delivering the State of the Union address, maybe "fuck" is not acceptable. If you're having sex with your girlfriend, maybe it is acceptable.

Tee hee.

So yes "irregardless" is a word, but my friend you ain't no neologist, just a maroon for using it!

Double negatives, finely split infinitives and dangling participles abound!



Dr. X-Tina said...

Did you just call me maroon?

tyler said...

of course, i'm rather partial to the first part of this post, as it holds a place close to my own heart...

but i'm also rather psyched to see there are legitimate scribes who share my annoyance at grammar nazis who delight in pointing out what "is" and "isn't" a word.

usually when someone does that to me i can, in all truthyness, say that my command of the language is as good as or better than his own.

RomanX said...

Fine no saying, it isn't a word...but calling people out on the inappropriate use of words is still fair game!

tyler said...

oh, no doubt! just as "fiscal monetary plan" doesn't belong in the bedroom nor "fuck" in the state of the union, i concede there is a time and a place for certain words.

RomanX said...

"Fiscal monetary Policy" is always welcomed in my bedroom! Would you like some tranche with that?

Ed said...

Speaking of Tamm, this is from a Newsweek article about this debacle... "During his childhood, he played under the desk of J. Edgar Hoover, and as an adult, he enjoyed a long and successful career as a prosecutor." Talk about irresponsible journalism...