Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Dork's Call to Arms!

Now I do not know why there is all this hatred for comic book nerds? But Anthony Lane, of the New Yorker, is rocking some serious nerd hate. Basically dissing comic fans as, "leering nineteen year olds" who fear "meeting a woman who requests intelligent conversation.". Now, I know I am no Don Juan with the ladies....but come on that is just harsh! I like intelligent conversations and women!

Adam Serwer over at the American Prospect toss out a couple of salvos of hot righteous nerd vengeance (brought to us by fellow nerd Steve Benen):

[Not to question what is, I am certain, the vibrant and thrilling sex lives of film critics, but I'm not so sure that "film critic" is much higher than "comic book geek" on the social spectrum. Moreover, what exactly do Lane's thoughts on comic book nerds have to do with the quality of the film? What does the reviewer grant the reader by insulting the film's intended audience?

I'm not going to argue with Lane over the quality of a film I haven't seen, but I really find it hard to understand why comic book fans are the subject of such persistent abuse. You'd think we clubbed baby seals for a living or perhaps sold sub-prime mortgages. The unbridled contempt for people who like comic books reaches something close to the feelings people have for parking cops and tax collectors.....]

[Whatever Lane's opinions of Watchmen's source material, comic books are the closest thing Americans have to folktales, and their content is about as close as a reflection of American cultural identity, for good or for ill, as we have. You'd think that for that reason alone, the material and its consumers would be worth at least a minimum of respect.]
On the upside things are a-changin' we now have a comic dork in the White House, hosting tv shows, and in the Senate. That's right, we control the horizontal and the vertical now! So I think it is time to end this pointless hater-ation now and forever!

If that doesn't work, I have a circle kick to the groin, that may help'em shake off their Hate-orade addiction.

-Avengers Assemble! Titans Together!! Long Live the Legion!!! and Excelsior bitches!!!!!


tyler said...

interesting that he obviously read the source material and yet shows his ignorance on the story in comments such as "Whether his fellow-Watchmen have true superpowers, as opposed to a pathological bent for fisticuffs, I never quite worked out."

interesting that he begins the critique lauding "maus" and "persepolis" and then at the close asks "where did the (comic book) comedy go?"

interesting also that he says of one line from the book "sounds to me like a writer trying much, much too hard," and yet himself uses phrases such as "Moore’s attempt at urban jeremiad," and "Fans of the stuff are masonically loyal, prickling with a defensiveness and an ardor that not even Wagnerians can match."

sounds to me like typical new yorker snooty elitist hypocracy.

Anonymous said...

I imagine that comic book nerds are *more* likely to get a chance at mating than critics... Comic book nerds share an appreciation of something, whereas two critics share only a contempt of everything...

Would you really want to sleep with someone whose profession it is to point out unsatisfying things ?

RomanX said...

I just finding mind-numbingly self centered to believe your personal tastes are inherently superior to someone else. I could rant for days about how inane American Idol is. But I don't. I just don't watch it.

I don't attack such things unless provoked, for the most part.