Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is a bit of a catch all post.

Tyler stopped me from jumping into potentially lethal political debate, the other night.
So I thought I would just do a post about a smattering of other news, for a change. Because evidently politics has permeated my conciousness more
thoroughly then I thought.

Also had the "Very Scary Saturday" gathering at my place. Several people showed up, some food was eaten. Some beer was drunk. Good times were had by all. Echo was a good sport, brought some positively delectable rice crispy treats and put up with our dorkitude, Tyler made some scrumptious burgers, Guilherme (?) was delightful, Steve, Gabe, and Cation brought delicious beers. Gonna be planning another one of these, for some point in the future. Movie suggestions?

Good times.

A quick round up of the odds and ends that you may have missed.


-Edit- some extra stuff needed to be added, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

From Ragen
Okay, I read the introvert article and now know that I am a hybrid. Huh.

RomanX said...

Well in general most people are hybrids. There are always extremes though.

tyler said...

i believe you meant the zombie link to be,book-info/store,books/products_id,7847/title,Pride-and-Prejudice-and-Zombies/

also, he isn't really exaggerating the lethality of the political debate i saved him from. that could have been bad.

RomanX said...
