Sunday, March 15, 2009

Final Thoughts....

Some final thoughts on the whole Cramer vs. Stewart dust up.

I think the reason it has resonated so much is there is a thirst for accountability in society today.

There is a growing sense, even against the protests of the media, that the media has not been an honest broker during the last couple of decades.

The preoccupation with the superficial over substance, the slavish devotion to a false sense of balance, and near perfect ability to ignore any valid criticism of its methods.

The examples are have become too numerous, from the Chandra Levy case, to "Monica-gate", to the lead up to Iraq, and culminating in the recent financial crisis.

The press has forgotten what their role as the fourth estate is. They are to be adversarial with authority. They are to question its actions and motives.

Their job, to put it bluntly, is to crawl up the collective asses of government and corporate interests and make sure what they say they had for lunch is actually what they ate.

That is the one of the big things glossed over in all the chatter. Though we allow the elite of our country to largely ignore this, they are accountable for what they say and do. If they make claims or statements that contradictory or completely false, they should be called on it.

There is no shame in being wrong. The shame comes from ignoring it and acting as if it never happens.


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