Thursday, March 19, 2009

Normally this is Tyler's bag....

Like the title implies, Tyler tends to be the "master storyteller". I am more of a debater (Ha!).

But I had a situation happen today that just had to be shared. It will most definitely lack the florid prose that those who frequent 'True Stories of My Life?', but it is pretty simple. So I will stop with the lede and just get to the story.

I was charged with picking up lunch today at work. While waiting in the drive-thru, I noticed something odd. There was a couple in the car right across the drive involved in some odd behavior. Pretty much one member of this couple would disappear from view at regular intervals. Now at first, I thought perhaps someone had just dropped a fry or something, but after about 2 minutes of 'bobbing for goodies' and vigorous arm movements, I changed my my opinion.

Now mind you, this is at like 1:00 p.m. So it was sunny, and my view (as well as the view of the 10 other cars in the drive-thru) was absolutely unobstructed. So for the better (or worse) part of 15 minutes I got to watch some serious auto-fellation.

I know I have an anti-nudity bubble, but it seems oral copulation is fair game.

[a clever little personal add for y'all]



Mike said...

With your luck, it was probably two dudes. (Not that there's anything wrong with that)

tyler said...

i see what you did there with that pun at the beginning...

Anonymous said...

I think (ok, I *hope*) that at the end of the second to last paragraph, you meant to say 'Vehicular-Fellation'...

RomanX said...

Well, I am guessing either "auto" or "Vehicular" fellation, each have their own entertainment values. One is more like a train wreck....or a Latoya Jackson album.