Friday, March 27, 2009

How High?!??

Evidently Method Man was too high to pay his taxes.

They repo'd his truck.

And what did Meth have to say for himself:

“Myself, I’m a pothead,” he said on the set of a video shoot for his new album, “Blackout 2,” with Redman. “It’s no secret. Everyone knows that. I go on the road and forget everything else. Sure, [the tax department] sent letters to my house saying, ‘We need this money.’ They started sending them in 2002.

Here it is, 2009, and I never paid this s— because I don’t think like that!”

“I could have easily just written them a check for whatever amount, but no — I waited until they knocked on this door and were like, ‘We got your truck and we outta here,’ ” he laughed.
We salute you Sir Method Man!



Dr. X-Tina said...

The 1st song I sang karaoke too - the memories.

Dr. Cappa said...

That song brings me back to my last year of college. For a party to celebrate getting into vet school I got extremely drunk and sang that song about four times in a row (or at least I think that is what happened). You can ask Jill what really happened.