Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is just sad.

This year is the anniversary year for Charles Darwin. Something that should be celebrated an interesting life, an interesting man, and a beautiful intellect.

Yet there may not be a distributor in the States for the film because it is too controversial amongst the religious sects in this country.

If you ever sense some hostility in my posts for organized religious institutions and some of its backward members, this sort of thing would be the reason why....

Creation, starring Paul Bettany, details Darwin's "struggle between faith and reason" as he wrote On The Origin of Species. It depicts him as a man who loses faith in God following the death of his beloved 10-year-old daughter, Annie.

The film was chosen to open the Toronto Film Festival and has its British premiere on Sunday. It has been sold in almost every territory around the world, from Australia to Scandinavia.

We are talking one of the greatest thinkers humanity has produced. His findings revolutionized our understanding of the natural world. I find it sad and deeply disturbing that only 39 percent of Americans put stock in, what is well supported science.

On the other hand I have no problem whatsoever understanding why school children in this country score so much lower in science and math then in other developed nations.

There are consequences to holding to such an ante diluvian mindset.



Bradley said...

Yes, this is shocking. I was shocked this summer when one of my best engineering students told me he doesn't believe in evolution. I have no other words to describe it, just shocking.

RomanX said...

Did you ask him if he believed if gravity? Because that is about the same.

Bradley said...

I'll remember that next time it comes up.