Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The peevishness of the modern day journalist

Another day, another chance to point out how thin skinned establishment journalists are to criticism. A little bit ago, I pointed out a some exchanges between Joe Klein and Glenn Greenwald.

Well it got a bit more involved yesterday. Joe Klein blew the proverbial gasket. Greenwald tentatively dips his toe into the muck.

Now I have approvingly posted both men over this course of this blog, but I have also agreed with many of the Greenwald's concerns and criticisms with some of Joe Klein's the pieces as well. Klein is at times the best example of what is wrong with mainstream media journalism.

But as Greenwald points out in his post many other bloggers take Klein to task for his mendacity.

It is all well worth a read. And count me as a "pathetic acolyte".


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