Monday, February 9, 2009

Desperate times require desperate measures

Suffice to say...I am not very pleased with the predicted compromise in the Senate on the Stimulus Bill.

Now that is not to say, I want to see the bill fail. I have been struggling to come up with what the problem is. And I think it is one of scope. The centrists in the Senate suffer from a serious lack of vision. They worry that is the bill is too big. I worry it is that it is too small.

When facing a possible financial failure of catastrophic and epic proportion. The solution is not moderation. Simply because it is better to overshoot the goal then to undershoot.

That and the cuts they have proposed do not seem to make any sort economic of sense. They cut programs which are some of the most uncontroversial, effective (education spending and aide to the states) and increased others which have a limited stimulative effect (tax cuts). I think Dean Baker summed it up pretty well:
Trying to save money on stimulus is like finding a short cut for your jogging route. We can do it, but it undermines the whole point of the effort.


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