Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Ironical Karl Rove...

It is rare that I am surprised by the rank hypocrisy of political apparatchiks, but it seems that Karl Rove is trying to set some sort of land speed record or something.

Steve Benen over at The Washington Monthly pulls together the pieces.
Let's take Karl Rove, for example. Last week, the Bush/Cheney "architect" used his role as a high-profile media professional to accuse the Obama White House of using hardball political tactics. A couple of weeks before that, Rove accused the president of looking at every policy issue "from a political perspective." A couple of weeks before that, Rove complained about the scourge of budget deficits. A couple of weeks before that, Rove accused the president of relying on "straw men" for his arguments. A couple of weeks before that, Rove decried White House "power grabs." (Rove also, about a year ago, accused the New York Times of having "outed a CIA agent," which "obviously puts the CIA agent in danger." Rove added that disclosing the name of a CIA operative represents "a very callous view about our nation's security and interests.")

Notice the pattern?

It is almost like he expects us to forget what he was doing 3 months ago?

Projection much Karl?


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