Tuesday, April 28, 2009

On the subject of Pandemics....

What to do in case of a Zombie Apocalypse (now referred to as 'ZA')....

Cracked has some advice....and it is even pretty good. I didn't think of the Post Office!

For the record I would state that any ZA plan should have as a part of it 1) A suitable location to bunker down in 2) a place to get supplies (camping, non-perishable food stuffs, water purification devices) 3) arms, and weapons (guns, bats, axes, machetes...etc) and 4) First Aid supplies.

So start your planning.


1 comment:

AndyS said...

Ahh the eternal Zombie Apocalypse Survival Dichotomy...

#1 Shoot it in the head !

#2 Machetes don't run out of bullets.