Thursday, April 9, 2009

An Open dialog

Faith is an often contentious issue. So I often struggle about making posts that deal with it. What with the current polarization of our body politic, it seems that most issues have taken on a theological tint (from climate change to the subject of gay marriage).

But periodically there are things I just can not resist.

I love a good argument. I especially like ones where, one of the debaters absolutely drinks up his opponent's milkshake on national tv.

This dust up happened the other night on Hardball. In general I tend to loathe Christopher Hitchens. By and large he is a pompous, sanctimonious ass, with a palpable disdain for religion, the religious, and religious institutions.

Some of his commentary and issues with religion on the whole are valid complaints, however he tends to wrap this in an all encompassing anti-religious bigotry, that I believe injures his argument.

That all being said, he does know his history. Mr. Blackwell, the woefully uninformed individual charged with debating Mr. Hitchens, is a disappointing hack unfortunately.
I don't feel that the debate was in anyway even. My dislike for both men notwithstanding, Mr. Hitchens is just better at presenting his side of the case in a factual manner. His contempt is obvious, but his ability to support his point of view is commendable.

This is not so much a support of the views expressed, but an attempt to highlight the sort of argument I dislike. Shorter Blackwell: I am right because I say so!

Basically. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts. And most assuredly if your assertions do not stand up to scrutiny, then they should be savaged, if you place them into the public square.


1 comment:

tyler said...

my biases are self evident to anyone who starts to have a theological conversation with me.

i have to agree. there was absolutely no debate extant there. blackwell regurgitates keywords and quotes from 8th grade civics class.

no facts. no theses. no complete ideas. no debate.
