Friday, September 19, 2008

International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Avast ye scurvy dog! Tis that time o' year to be merry makin' and let loose our inner pirate!

For you lily livered land lubbers, if'n you canny understand, off to Davy Jones' Locker with ye!

Also this PSA:

We all know the Earth is in the midst of a crisis of epic and dire proportions. That crisis is Climate Change. Yes I know it is monumental and I know you wonder, "Hey Roman! What is it I can do?!??". Well dear friends I shall tell you! Grab an eye patch, grab a bottle of rum and avast and sashay and pirate like your life depends on it. BECAUSE IT DOES!

A handy graph to show how serious the problem is:

The issue of Climate Change is a serious and endemic problem that not only risks our lives but that of our children, our children's children, our children's children's children, wombats, ferrets, otters, moose, three-toed sloths, caribou, a spider monkey named Steve, 4 polar bears, 7 interns, Mike "Shecky" Cation, and a goat I named Elijah.


--edited the title the post no mention of pirates...I should take a long walk off a short pier!


Ed said...

A pirate walks into a bar with his ship's steering wheel stuffed down the front of his bloomers. The bartender says, "Hey, what's with the steering wheel?" The pirate says, "Arrghhhh!, It's driving me nuts!"

Sorry, had to, it's a classic.

Mike said...

Wait.....I'm in danger?