Thursday, September 25, 2008


If you haven't seen Gov. Palin's interview with Katie Couric it is worth a look. At this point I am absolutely at a loss. It is no longer about "experience", I have railed about how that is not a true measure of a persons judgment nor their fitness to govern for about a year now, so honestly I think that point is moot. What I do have a problem with is someone who shows an absolutely no interest in matters outside of their own specialized arena. I give you Gov. Palin on her foriegn policy experience.

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What the hell does that mean? Seriously, I think she just summarized the plot to "Red Dawn".

Has the last 8 years taught us nothing. People who are intellectually incurious are dangerous. I feel here is a good time to echo John Cole over at Balloon Juice

Additionally, McCain has suggested that he and Obama could debate next Thursday instead of the VP candidates.

Let me unpack this for the rest of you retrograde morons out there who are still undecided and can not figure out whether you will vote for Obama or McCain. And no, I am not with the Obama campaign on any official or unofficial level, so I feel perfectly comfortable calling you a total moron if you are an undecided at this point.

1.) McCain is not putting politics aside. He is injecting a massive dose of politics into this debate. Now, when the negotiators stick on points over the next 36 hours, they will have to wonder if it is being done in bad faith in order to suspend the debate.

2.) Sarah Palin is clearly not ready to debate next week, and the McCain campaign is desperate for a way to postpone her appearance.

3.) McCain is giving you another glimpse of his temperament. Obama quietly, without alerting the press, approached McCain. McCain staged a media stunt. Wait till you all hear the statement from McCain to Katie Couric in which he derided Obama’s attempt to issue a joint statement.

4.) If you want some moron to run around like his hair is on fire in a time of crisis, McCain is your man.

My god, this is the easiest choice in an election in my lifetime.

So yeah, I have had my fill of Senator McCain. Since their campaign refuses to respect my intelligence, I refuse to respect their campaign from this point on, and if they should win. I will become one of those granola eating, patchouli wearing, hemp smoking, "libruls", they are always lashing out at. Because seriously, these guys are embarrassing. This is a game to them. Our lives and well beings are just the coinage of them settling scores with their daddy's ghost.


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