Wednesday, September 24, 2008


For those that haven't heard, Senator John McCain has suspended his campaign this afternoon. I have been spend the day trying to get my head around. There are a lot of moving parts and the blogosphere is absolutely a twitter with commentary.

Just a couple of points first. Evidently Senator Obama, called Senator McCain this morning to work on a joint statement. While Obama was waiting for a response from team McCain, a press conference was called by the McCain campaign, and his decision to suspend his campaigning "during this immediate crisis" was made to the nation.

That being said, I do not understand this. This "crisis" has been well known and fairly diagnosis for over a week. And now, Senator McCain decides it is important enough to take a time out? Now on the eve of the first Presidential Debate? Some suspect it has more to do with the changing polling data, more so then conviction.

It just seems wrong. It seem too gimmicky. It seems crass and feckless.

It seems un-presidential.

If you are looking for more commentary, you can hit here, here and here.

What I really do not get, is this. The two presidential candidates should be kept as far away from this legislation as possible, because they are inherently partisan. This crisis is tense enough, adding a heated and divisive presidential
contest to the mix doesn't seem that wise.


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