Monday, September 8, 2008


Whirlwind weekend. Did some tailgating. Too little sleep. But got to see some peeps I hadn't seen in ages. All in all a good time, with some good weather, can not really complain much about that.

Stuff I can complain about though, would be this. Glenn Greenwald did a good take down of the whole situation. The whole notion of the of the "liberal" media is so out dated that it is laughable. This is the strategy that has been employed by Republicans since Nixon; vilify the press and rally the "public" to your cause. Fake outrage is a beautiful thing and press seems to be cowed by it...

If there is nothing else we should have learned over the last 8 years, it isn't that the press has a liberal is that the press and media has an incompetence bias.

Also Rachel Maddow's show premiers tonight. Check it out, she is one of the better commentators out there.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'll be sure and check out your girl Rachel tonight. Thanks for the heads up.